Logo Design vs. Brand Design

The benefits of investing in brand design far surpass the quick fix of a logo design.

A logo is a simple graphic. A brand is an identity of the business.

Let’s dive into this process a bit more.

When you create a logo or have someone design it for you, there is little to no strategy or thought process behind the design (besides what you want it to look like.) Sure, this logo will provide you with a small stamp that you can update on your social or maybe your email footer… but that’s about it.

Brand Design is a map to your success. A logo is just a pinned location.

Brand guides are filled with hours of research, analysis, strategy, and logistics behind your business. As designers, we aim to build your brand based on your mission, your philosophy and your goals. Why is this important?

When you fully understand where you come from, knowing where you are going is a heck of a lot easier. We develop your brand to attract your target audience and provide you with the confidence to the market and grow your business in all aspects moving forward.

Sure, a logo is a small part of a brand guide, but the other assets that come with it like, colour choices, font theory, supportive imagery, keywords and all the other tools are the key to your customers “know, like and trust” journey.

If you are reading this, most likely you have a logo. I bet you’ve already found yourself at a dead end with it too. You cant scale it, you can’t Copywrite it and your printed products probably look like crap. Maybe not, but in my experience clients who come to me are fed up with their outdated logos and are ready to invest in a brand that will help take their businesses to the next level.

If you are a business owner and looking to get started on developing your brand and creating a brand guide that will help you in your marketing moving forward, Let’s Chat.

Interested in listening to me talk more about this? CLICK HERE


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